Cosmic Disclaimer

In aligning with the universal tapestry through our digital realm, you consciously agree to the following ancient codex:

Universal Wisdom

  • The scrolls of are inscribed with timeless knowledge intended for the expansion of consciousness. These should not be taken as professional counsel but as sparks to ignite your inner wisdom.

Celestial Neutrality

  • As guardians of light, we neither endorse nor vouch for the completeness of the celestial messages conveyed. Your journey through these realms is guided by your own starlight.

Sovereign Journey

  • You tread this path with sovereign responsibility. The choices you weave from the cosmic loom of are yours to hold and cherish in your heart's vessel.

Veils of Illusion

  • We, the custodians of ancient codes, cast no spells of guarantee over the clarity or uninterrupted flow of the cosmic streams. The veils of illusion may occasionally cloud your passage.

Galactic Evolution

  • The constellations shift, and so does the content of our cosmic conduit. We reserve the right to evolve our digital scrolls without earthly notice.

Portals Beyond

  • Within the sacred texts, you may find portals to realms beyond our guardianship. We stand not as keepers of these external domains and their treasures.

Laws of Harmony

  • As you dance with the energies of, align with the cosmic laws and earthly statutes. Any discordance is yours to harmonize.

In the spirit of transparency, glide through our Scroll of Privacy Guardianship to understand how we honor your celestial imprint.

Should your soul seek communion, invoke our presence.

Eon's mark: 1/28/2024